Emily Brightwell challenges her readers!

With "Mrs. Jeffries and the Silent Knight" being published next month in paperback, I thought it would be an ideal time to present my readers with a challenge about this book.   The question is: what character in "Mrs. Jeffries and the Silent Knight" is very-loosely based on the author, and, how did you deduce this?

Email your answer to the author and the first five correct answers will win an autographed copy of "Mrs. Jeffries and the Silent Knight" in hardcover.   Contest ends October 31st 2006 and is restricted to residents of the United States - one entry per household.   Your answer should be less than twenty words.   I will post a list of winners in November at this website.

I am working on the next mystery and - with the luxury of more free time - I am really enjoying the process of writing this book.   I used to work full-time and write before I went to work but now I can get up in the morning and begin writing - knowing I have the entire morning to bring the next mystery to life. 

Best Wishes, Emily


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